Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kickin' It Old Skool (2007)

Kickin' It Old Skool (2007)
Directed by Harv Glazer
Written by Trace Slobotkin & Josh Siegal & Dylan Morgan

Yeah, yeah. I usually stay 100 miles from these types of movies, but Miguel A. Nunez Jr (Darnell) comes into Blockbuster all the time, he lives right around the corner from me in LA, and he's just an all-around funny dude, I've been a fan since I first saw him in ROTLD and Friday V: New Beginning. He's just one of those guys you always recognize, and it's funny that I've gotten to know him a bit in real life.

So anyway, I rented this piece of garbage, and I must say, it made me laugh quite a few times more than I thought it would. The idea, when put into a logline (boy hurts himself in breakdancing accident which puts him into a coma for 20 years, and when he wakes up he must win the girl of his dreams and save his parents house by breakdancing again) is really cheesy, but if you really think about it, it kind of has that Austin Powers element where a lot of things are open, like the fact that this is now a 32-year old manchild, who's never seen tits, kissed a girl, missed all the inventions and events of the past 20 years, etc. On that angle, they spend almost a little bit too much time covering too little. I'd really like to see the coma or frozen routine done in a serious manner, I think it would make a pretty cool movie.

Anyway, Justin (Jamie Kennedy) wakes up, realizes all his friends are losers, and life has nearly passed him up completely. He deals with growing up at 32, his friend Darnell being pushed around by his girlfriend, his friend Hector (Aris Alvarado) working as a meter maid, and their friend Aki (Bobby Lee) working in the business environment and dropping his Asian accent, much to the friends' dismay. Most of this movie just feels really weird, because the sensibilities aren't just completely backward, they're upside down. The characters seem to make their decisions based on what they've seen in other movies, but at the same time, the movie isn't stale and doesn't drift to a lot of ad-pat humor. I suppose that's the nature of Jamie Kennedy's comedy as a whole though, he does really ridiculous things, but the way in which he presents them doesn't make them corny. Well, it's still corny in a lot of ways, but there are a lot of things that made me crack up in this movie.

If you hated Malibu's Most Wanted, then don't be afriad to watch this movie. I hated MMW as well, I thought it was ridiculously corny trash, stereotypical crap, but this movie just has something else, like maybe the fact that Jamie Kennedy didn't write it. I dunno. But I ended up enjoying the film, the bum is sure to make anyone laugh, the main girl Jen (Maria Menounos) is really hot, and it ends up being a completely likeable comedy, with by far the best David Hasslehoff cameo ever (fuck you Dodgeball!). 


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